Specialized Therapeutic Solutions
Does Your Child Suffer from Anxiety?
Does Your Child Suffer from Anxiety? Specialized Therapeutic SolutionsCounselling Use our Screening Process to Discover Answers and Options Childhood anxiety can be exceptionally upsetting and traumatizing for a child, extending itself into the teen and adult...
Enhancing Focus and Balance with NeurOptimal Neurofeedback
Enhancing Focus and Balance with NeurOptimal Neurofeedback Specialized Therapeutic SolutionsCounselling Call Gerry at 604-574-6555 for more information on how Neurofeedback can improve your results. Learning to slackline with NeurOptimal Neurofeedback training....
Using Neurofeedback to up Your Game
Using Neurofeedback to up Your Game Specialized Therapeutic SolutionsCounselling Dr. Valdean Brown, co-developer of the NeurOptimal® brain training system discusses using neurofeedback to up his golf game. Call Gerry at 604-574-6555 for more information on how...
Brain Training is it Safe for Kids? – Neurofeedback
Brain Training is it Safe for Kids? – Neurofeedback Specialized Therapeutic SolutionsCounselling Video - Neurofeedback brain training is 100% safe for kids. Regular brain training with a neurofeedback system like NeurOptimal® offers an alternative for parents who want...
Draw It Out! Art Therapy Specialized Therapeutic Solutions Counselling Are you ever at a loss for words and just don’t know how to express your feelings and thoughts verbally? Do you enjoy the creative process and trying new activities that make you feel good and help...
Anxious Children
Anxious Children Specialized Therapeutic SolutionsCounselling Assisting an Anxious Child with Sleep - Tips to Calm Kid's Fears The Story of Emma Emma often doesn’t understand the harsh emotions which can sometimes come up suddenly, swirling around in her head...
Is Your Relationship Healthy?
Is Your Relationship Healthy? Specialized Therapeutic SolutionsCounselling Markers of a Healthy or Unhealthy Relationship Most people identify frequent unresolved disagreements, arguments, a lack of trust, poor communication, and criticism, as markers of an unhealthy...
Anxiety, Depression and Addiction Relief Surrey – Neurofeedback
Anxiety, Depression and Addiction Relief – Neurofeedback Specialized Therapeutic SolutionsCounselling Video - Anxiety, Depression & Addiction Relief With EEG Neurofeedback - Surrey Learn more about your "Risk Free" opportunity to experience Neurofeedback......
When Women Encounter the “D” Word
When Women Encounter the “D” Word Specialized Therapeutic SolutionsCounselling By Kelly Williams, RPC (c) The D Word? Not Donuts, Divorce, or Dumped (we have other articles about that for you to read), the D word I am writing about today, is Depression with a capital...
Overcoming Stress, Anxiety and Burnout
Overcoming Stress, Anxiety and Burnout Specialized Therapeutic SolutionsCounselling Do you feel like you want to escape or run away? Do you dread going to work or facing the day after you wake up? Are you tired, drained and without enthusiasm? Do you frequently...
Stress Management
Stress Management Specialized Therapeutic SolutionsCounsellingSomething that is not well known about stress is that it is natural a vital component of healthy living. Without stress we would not get day to day chores done, interact positively with friends and family,...
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: I Just Can’t Stop
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Specialized Therapeutic SolutionsCounsellingWhat is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive, unreasonable thoughts, impulses, and fears (obsessions) that...
Social Anxiety
Social Anxiety Specialized Therapeutic SolutionsCounselling Did anyone see how anxious I was? “I just couldn’t get over this feeling that I am being judged or watched by everyone around me. I desperately wanted to be outgoing and social - with a voice, but I was to...
Depressive Disorder
Depressive Disorders Specialized Therapeutic SolutionsCounselling Depression is an illness and needs to be acknowledged as such. It is not a reason to be ashamed. The reason so many people fail to seek help for their depression is that they are ashamed. Unfortunately,...
Anxiety Attacks
Anxiety Attacks Specialized Therapeutic SolutionsCounselling Some people don't even realize that they are having anxiety attacks, until they know what the definition of one is. An anxiety attack is a strong sensation that creates fear in oneself, as the symptoms can...
Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety Disorders Specialized Therapeutic SolutionsCounsellingThere are numerous categories of anxiety disorders, such as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic disorder (PD), social anxiety disorder (SAD), and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). The most...
Dealing with Anger
Dealing with Anger Specialized Therapeutic SolutionsCounselling There it was again, extreme anger over nothing. What does he/she think they are going to gain by yelling at me, again and again . . . I am not hearing impaired and I hear you even better when you express...
Reactions to Anger
Reactions to Anger Specialized Therapeutic SolutionsCounselling Physical reactions to anger and anxiety can include muscle tension in the low back and neck, dry mouth, racing heart rate, dizziness, feeling faint, shaking, cold hands, red face, headaches, stomach...
Practice Loving
Practice Loving Specialized Therapeutic SolutionsCounselling The more you practice being a loving person, the more authentic love you are likely to attract. Intimacy is an aerobic sport. It takes time to achieve results, requires daily effort, and at times, is...
The Definition of Love
The Definition of Love Specialized Therapeutic SolutionsCounselling When asked to define what love is, one study rated trust as the most important component of love. Also rated as highly important were commitment, caring, honesty, friendship, respect, faithfulness,...
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Surrey, BC
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(604) 574-6555