Does Your Child Suffer from Anxiety?
Specialized Therapeutic Solutions
Use our Screening Process to Discover Answers and Options
Childhood anxiety can be exceptionally upsetting and traumatizing for a child, extending itself into the teen and adult years if not resolved early. Parents can also affected when they see their child struggling with worries and fears. Many parents don’t know where to turn or what to do when faced with this debilitating problem. Parents want and need the answers so that stability and joy can be returned to the family unit. We have created a screening process and made it available to assist you in answering the question “Is this an expected part of my child’s development or is this the start of a debilitating anxiety disorder?”
Anxiety can present in various ways, including; general anxiety, panic attacks, separation anxiety, and social anxiety. If you would like to participate in a professional screening process to determine if your child has anxiety, or suffers from a childhood anxiety- related (disorder), we have made it easy for you to discover your answers and your options for treatment (if needed).
Our goal is simply to be able to screen children for anxiety symptoms early, and assist you in getting help for your child if, and only if, it is needed.
We would like to help you identify and separate what is a more natural part of childhood development and what may be the start of further issues if it is not dealt with.
To arrange for a free screening for your child or children, call Gerry @ 604-574-6555 and arrange for an appointment or fill out the form to the right of this page and we will contact you as soon as we are able. We can provide the screening with a face to face appointment, via Skype or over the telephone.
If we find that your child needs assistance with anxiety, we will be pleased to discuss our findings with you and help you find the best resources for assistance. The screening process is without cost or obligation.
These screening methods can determine just how severe your child’s anxiety may or may not be and will help you explore your options before symptoms worsen.
The screening process is quite simple to use – all you have to do is answer a series of questions such as:
· When your child enters a stressful situation does he react by clinging, freezing or having a temper tantrum?
· Have you noticed a downturn in your child’s grades at school, refusal to go to school and avoidance of social activities?
· Have you noticed that your child has many unfounded fears about situations such as storms or performing in front of a group?
These types of screening devices are preliminary steps in determining if your child may be experiencing anxiety that should be treated professionally. There are also questions about how often your child may cry, feel sick, cling to you or obsess over thoughts such as you dying or becoming ill.
After screening for childhood anxiety you should decide what the next step will be to help your child cope more effectively, or seek treatment to resolve the anxiety completely (which is entirely possible in many cases). It may be as simple as learning how to calm the child and teaching a few effective strategies for dealing with anxiety to make it “go away”.
Another option is to have your child work with a professional therapist who is highly skilled in showing parents and children how to rid themselves of debilitating fears and feelings of anxiety that keep them from enjoying life to the fullest.
A professional therapist may suggest group therapy for your child, which is often effective when children realize that other kids have the same feelings as they do. That realization can help them see that they’re not alone. Art therapy is another calming and relaxing therapy that helps regulate a child’s emotions. A safe environment with a sensitive art therapist can facilitate a child’s self-expression and self-awareness. This helps them cope with and transform their uncomfortable feelings.
Although feelings of anxiety in a child are not life-threatening, prolonged symptoms could result in depression, obsessive compulsive disorder or other disorders that keep the child from enjoying all that life has to offer.
Approach a screen for childhood anxiety related disorder in a calm and helpful manner. In younger children, you may be able to help them look at the screening process as a game, where they’re going to answer questions about how they feel.
Once a determination has been made regarding your child, you can better decide on the right course of action for your child.
Call today, or fill out the contact form on the right of this page so we can assist you and your child as soon as possible.
Contact Gerry: 604-574-6555 e-mail:
Child Anxiety
Help You Can Trust
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Surrey, BC
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(604) 574-6555