Neuroptimal Therapy
Specialized Therapeutic Solutions
Re: Neuroptimal Neurofeedback Therapy
My daughter Tierrynne was diagnosed at age 4 as having premature related attention deficit disorder, a condition I was unaware existed. It was explained that premature babies have no sensation barriers (sight, sound, touch etc) as normally found in newborns. These filters allow a baby to develop their senses at normal levels while a premie gets hardwired to all of these sensations at the same level, mentally. IE sound, touch, taste & sight are received at equal levels in the brain, therefore making it difficult for a child to learn to filter out and focus on one, such as sound. I was on a very long wait list with mental health to get assistance with her developmental delays because of this diagnosis.
I registered my daughter with a private school that I thought had an appropriate pre-school programme. After some time with Tierrynne, they politely asked me to remove my daughter as they didn’t have the resources to provide her with the one-on-one care they believed she needed. At the time she was ready for Kindergarten so I contacted the school board in Surrey, who informed me that Holly School had a high staff ratio trained in ADD and ADD related behavioural issues. I transferred her.
Even at her new school, my instances of being brought into the principal’s office, averaged once every 2 – 3 weeks, for Tierrynne’s aggressive behaviours. These behaviours included hitting her teacher as well as other students and being called a school bully. Tierrynne has always been difficult to control at home as well. She was belligerent and disrespectful, despite appropriate consequences.
Although some of the advice the Paediatrician offered did help, it was not the complete success I was looking for. During the summer that Tierrynne turned 7, she started to pee in her closet. I searched the internet and found that peeing in closets are common behaviours with children with ADD. I believed at this point I could not help my daughter on my own. After reading recommendations on the internet, I contacted Gerry Bock with regards to my 7 year old daughter, having been very upset with the behaviours I couldn’t control.
He sat with me patiently while I explained my frustrations and difficulties. He firstly asked me who gave me the diagnosis of premature related attention deficit disorder and hyperfocussing disorder. I explained about her appointment at the paediatricians office. He suggested that perhaps that diagnosis, having been done in a 15 minute doctor’s appointment may need further investigation. He suggested he do his own assessment with Tierrynne to find out if perhaps there is more to be discovered about my unique child. He took us both to a room with a Neuroptimal system. This is a computer with a programme designed to scan the brains activity and then produce a report that Gerry can read and understand.
After the conclusion of the assessment, he explained that my daughter had a gap between the two sides of her brain making it difficult for her to transition between emotion and logic. After a more detailed conversation we formulated a plan that included both neuroptimal and counselling in a unique combination, developed specifically for my daughter. We were to start at the very next appointment 2 days later.
As soon as my daughter was ‘hooked up’ and the display started, she took a deep sigh and settled into the very comfortable chair to watch the colorful display. We continued this therapy twice a week for approximately 6 months and then decreased the appointments to once a week. Included with this therapy were sessions with me, dad, stepdad and auntie that helped us to better understand her processes and how to help her understand herself in many ways. Tierrynne’s behaviours were mostly a result of frustration. For example, if you speak a different language and someone is yelling at you and disciplining you and you don’t understand them, it is very frustrating. This analogy is similar to what I have come to understand, that she was experiencing. To be angry and not understand the emotion and how to control it, then be disciplined for it (which would feel like unjustified punishment) is a very frustrating way to exist.
It has now been over a year since Tierrynne started her therapy. The differences in my child are incredible. She can now logically break down her instances of anger and accept her behaviours. Accept discipline and speak to adults with respect. She has already received 3 awards from school for kindness and helping other students. Including one presented to her at a school assembly. She has never struck her teacher since that day. Tierrynne still has lessons to learn and Neuropitmal and counselling are helping us both.
Gerry has a co-worker Caity who has just graduated from university. She started with Gerry while on a practicum and Tierrynne was one of her clients. When Gerry asked if I would continue with her after graduation I readily agreed. Caity has some incredible instincts and ways to communicate that help my daughter. Not to mention that my daughter likes her too. If I understand the therapy correctly, my daughter started out with a ‘separation’ in her brain equal to 1600 + microns and is now around 60. Incredible growth and changes. It was explained that her brain used to be like one ant on one side of the Grand Canyon yelling in German to another ant on the other side who speaks only French. Difficult to hear and when you do, you can’t understand it. This analogy helped me greatly.
I will never forget that Caity said to me, “Your daughter has a deep desire to please you and loves you very much”. This was like a great gift to me, as nature is as important as nurture. My little girl and I have grown very close as we both now understand each other and ‘speak the same language’. She is a beautiful wonderful young lady who everyday impresses me with her intelligence and sense of humour. Oh and no more peeing in the closet!
Would I recommend Neuroptimal Therapy? And would I recommend Gerry Bock and Specialized Therapeutic Solutions? Oh yes, where do I sign? I firmly believe that this therapy should be covered by BC Medical, because without it so many kids could go so wrong.
Thank you for your time,
Eileen Law
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Neuroptimal Therapy
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